

Simple Microphone Amplifier Circuit


This is a circuit diagram of a device which can hear faint sounds and those sounds which any normal microphone can not hear. This is a very useful circuit and one can use this circuit for many tasks this circuit can be used as a hearing aid. Use direct coupling and do not use bulky coupling or bypass capacitors. The circuit using only a few components the size of the circuit is very small so one can easily fit it in a small box. This is the figure of the circuit;

Capacitor 1 bypasses ac negative feedback due to which the gain is not affected. Q1, Q2 and Q3 are bc 337. Resistor 1 is used for volume control. Transistor 1, transistor 2 and transistor 3 all are direct coupled amps. Their operation is stabilized by direct current (DC) negative feed back through resistor 4.


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